Friday, October 29, 2010

Spirit-lead or Humanitarian?

So tonight was the Homeless Outreach and i went after a long time of not going because i did not feel the calling to go. I went tonight because The Parking Spot as a ministry wanted to partner and support the outreach.. As was serving the homeless i noticed how appreciative and joyful they were, even when non-homeless were getting food.

The strange thing was, it was very satisfying. I felt good. I felt like i was doing a good thing.

It almost felt the same as walking in the Lord's will.

As i thought about it, i didnt go before because i knew it wasn't in my giftings and passions, it wasnt where God was calling me to this season; the strange thing was it felt like it. I think a lot of ppl might confuse humanitarian works for those Spirit-led works. They hear in church that they are supposed to be doing these things, and if not they aren't being a "good Christian". When they go they might be confusing feelings.

The Parking Spot is a ministry that equips our community with teachings of authentic biblical community and out of that we release our ppl to do those things that they are passionate about. This outreach is the first fruits of that heart. and as our ppl do these things we as the leaders support them. Those that organized the outreach are the ones walking in God's will for their lives, operating in their passions and giftings. Those of us there for support, well i cant speak for everyone but, i was not.

However, I dont think it was a bad thing. I think there is room for Humanitarianism within the Kingdom as long as it doesnt get in the way of The Lord's will. For example if had chose the outreach over an other ministry within a church because i thought that "going out and doing something" is always God's will then it would be a bad thing because i was not operating in my calling and what God has told me to do this season which is equip the Church body.

I dont just thinking through this.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris I am glad you went. I agree that benevolence ministry is not what God has called everyone to, but he has called us all to be benevolent. The truth is anytime we do something for the least of these in our society we are doing those things to Jesus himself (Matt. 25:40). It is not about certain types of ministry being better or more "holy" than others. Rather it is about the fact that as progress on this journey we will find plenty of opportunities to serve others in various capacities. So anytime we do have opportunities to serve others we are walking in God's will for our lives. It is not always about a "call" from God to do a particular thing but simply just a choice we make.
